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CRL (Certificate Revocation List) - an explanation

Certificate Revocation List is achieved via a mechanism called the Certificate Revocation List (CRL), which contains a list of revoked and suspended certificates.More precisely, it contains some unique key to identify the certificate and its revocation time. The unique key could be the serial number of the certificate, or some other identifier. CRLs are usually stored in public directories which can be accessed by LDAP, HTTP or other protocols. Multiple CAs can share the same CRL directory. Every certificate may have a pointer to a specific CRL it uses, and this is defined when the certificate is created. The pointer identifies the place from where the CRL is to be retrieved. For instance, with X.509 this could be a URL with a HTTP server, or a server address with LDAP. However, in some cases no pointer exists and the application must have other knowledge of the CRL distribution site. How CRL’s are made available by CA’s varies considerably from CA to CA, and also by how much you are willing to pay for the service! A CA might, for example, have a default policy of publishing CRL’s once a day. Institutions which require a more immediate notification of revoked certificates could be asked to pay extra for twice daily, two hourly, or even hourly publication. Most CA’s provide a single, monolithic CRL which can be cumbersome to access and slow to check. Some, however, offer more efficient validation protocols such as a segmented CRL with separate distribution points that is very much quicker to interrogate, or via the use of Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP).